Wellsites & Field Facilities
Equinox has designed and installed thousands of wellheads, wellhead tie-ins and wellhead flowlines, gathering systems, trunk and group lines as well as field facilities (including compression, dehydration & refrigeration). Our experience includes unconventional wellsite design with 12-18 wells per pad. For wellsite tie-ins, Equinox will provide the expertise required to specify, size and utilize the appropriate equipment including separators, wet and dry meter skids, in-line heaters, condensate pump skids, methanol injection pumps and storage tanks, corrosion inhibitor pumps & storage tanks, PSV’s, flare knock out drums and flare stacks as needed.
Tupper Wellsites
FEED & Detail Design for Montney unconventional wellpad program (each with 8 to 12 expandable wellheads. Program includes several hundred kilometers of sales pipelines, trunk lines and gathering lines.
A typical wellpad includes a group separator (with metering package and test separator), line heaters, a temporary rental well sand separator, an HP flare stack & knock-out drum, an RTU/TEG skid (incl. communication) and chemical tanks and pumps (inhibitor and methanol).
Ojay Sour Wellsites & Dehydration Facility (30 MMscfd)
Equinox provided FEED and Detail Design for mole sieve dehydration facility (30 MMscfd at 20% H2S, 7% CO2), as well as sour (10 MMscfd at 20% H2S) wellsites (with line heaters), along with 5 km of sweet fuel gas pipeline and 3 sour gas process lines.
NBC Standardized Wellsite Program
Muskeg Conventional Oil
Multi-Wellpad and Satellite Facility
Wellpads were designed with modular pipe racks such that they can be rearranged for different site orientations, expandable depending on expected flows, and quick installation due to the remoteness of the wells. This in turn reduced engineering costs as the templated design can be replicated onto future wells.
Montney Standardized Wellsite Program
The development of an optimized, standard wellpad design to reduce capital cost, accelerate engineering and construction schedules, and provide our client with a templated well pad design that can be replicated for future well pads. Equinox achieved a 30% reduction in the project’s originally budgeted Total Installed Cost. Read more.
Conroy, Elleh Wellsite Program
Standardization of engineering and equipment to achieve cost efficiencies with both EPCM hours and procurement streamlining. The use of a standard wellsite packages allowed for very tight cost control of engineering and allowed for consistency in capital material procurement as well as construction of sites. Equinox was successful in executing engineering for 1% of capital cost.