Moomba Carbon Capture Utilization & Storage - PreFEED

Cooper Basin, Southern Australia
Project Summary:
Following the successful Concept Study phase, Equinox completed the PreFEED stage of the Carbon Capture Utilisation & Storage (CCUS) project for Santos.
In the earlier Concept Study, Equinox and Santos investigated alternative source locations for CO2 and alternative technologies for separation, dehydration and transport. This study concluded that the most cost-effective source of CO2 was the Moomba Plant, using TEG as the method of dehydration, and delivered to Gidgealpa by pipeline.
The CCUS facility will be designed for phased construction, with the Phase 1 delivering 22 MMscfd of CO2 from Moomba to Gidgealpa and Phase 2 delivering an additional 22 MMscfd (total 44 MMscfd).
The PreFEED for this 2,200 tonne/day brownfield CO2 Sequestration project included process design, BFDs, PFDs, P&IDs, plot plan, equipment sizing, bids for major equipment, 30% model with MTO’s with Class 3 TIC estimate completed. Additional studies included Compressor Discharge Pressure Study, Compressor Selection Study, Material Selection Study and Modularisation Study.
The major equipment for the project at Moomba includes centrifugal compression (24,000 hp after Phase 2) and TEG Dehydration. The project also evaluated utility usage rates and tie-ins (water, wastewater, instrument air, fuel gas, steam) and brownfield tie-ins to the existing Moomba plant.