Water Treatment
Equinox provides water treatment expertise for natural gas and conventional oil applications, including produced water treatment and hydraulic fracturing water treatment. Our experience with water treatment issues (produced, fresh, brackish, saline, brine, disposal) and solutions include lime softening, ion exchange softening, evaporation, reverse osmosis, advanced oxidation, thermal vapour recompression, thermal distillation.
Debolt Water Treatment Facility
The scope of the project was to design and install a sour water treatment plant with a facility design capacity at 16,000 m3/d of inlet sour produced water. Three phase inlet separation, sour gas compression, sour gas stripping tower, degassing tank, reactor towers, pump packages, HCI storage and injection, H2S analyzers and power generation are included. The facility design utilizes a leading-edge proprietary process to reduce the H2S content of the water facility to 0 ppm.
Burstall Brine Pond
Project scope included geotechnical and earthworks design for 2 x 500,000 barrel brine ponds including line selection, leak detection system as well as entry and exit piping infrastructure. Equinox provided both engineering design and construction specifications for this water project. This was a milestone project for the client and Equinox was proud to played a key role in developing all aspects of their engineering design and construction specifications.